Intensive Employment Support Programme

IESP is a holistic approach to employment support that gives job seekers room to explore and overcome other barriers in life that may impact their ability to find and stay in work.

Being out of work can be a frustrating and stressful experience, and finding a job isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Our employment support is an interactive and holistic 15-week programme that aims to support those individuals furthest from the job market, and take them through a journey to employment by enabling volunteer or work experience, boosting confidence, and developing job-related skills.

The programme uses Kineara’s holistic approach to family support which understands that there are often multiple complex issues facing vulnerable people that need addressing together.

IESP is an adaptable programme because it puts the needs of people first.

While we provide essential practical support to explore employability needs and goals, such as CV writing and interview skills, we also recognise that housing instability, mental and physical health, and social isolation are among the factors that can impact an individuals ability to find employment. We work address those barriers too, enabling greater overall wellbeing that supports the journey into work.


How IESP can work for you

Whether someone is referred to us by a local authority service, or a housing provider, our key worker makes sure that the needs of each person is explored so that the programme can be tailored to their needs.

Each session over 15-weeks is designed to integrate job seeking skills, such as CV and application writing, interview tips and confidence/motivation building.

We also address other challenges arising in their lives, such as housing insecurity or ill health in the household. This approach creates the conditions for poeple to be able to focus on securing work that suits them and supports their needs.


I was made redundant after 10 years and was unemployed
for 2 before Liz came along. It was her keeping me positive and being at the end of a phone call that kept me going.

Our Objectives

  • To support people to develop skills required to be job ready
  • To explore employability needs, goals and passions
  • To provide mental health support and signposting
  • To support households into stronger tenancy security
  • To build confidence and improve wellbeing
  • To support people into work, volunteering or training

Our Impact


provided mental health support


provided housing support


evictions prevented

For more information on IESP contact us!