About Us

We are living in challenging times. Turbulence in the fundamentals of life- housing, education, work, health and wellbeing - can leave us overwhelmed, especially if we're feeling isolated.

That's why in 2012, our Community Interest Company was created.

Inspired by the ethos of the Family Intervention Project, award-winning Kineara CIC works collaboratively across the stakeholder spectrum including local authorities, landlords, social prescribers and schools. In the last 11 years we have supported hundreds of individuals and families across London, who are experiencing challenging times in housing, education and employment.

Each program we deliver is flexible, integrated, and holistic, so we can address the multi-complex needs of each household we support.

In early 2023, Kineara Charity was established.

Under this extension of Kineara, our primary focus is to support households at risk of homelessness and those living in challenging temporary and interim housing conditions. Through fundraising, research, and awareness campaigns, we want to put 'human' back into 'humanity': We believe everyone has a right to safe, secure housing to allow them not just to survive, but thrive in all aspects of their lives.

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